Kingship and Religion in Tibet

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Ritual + Narrative + Kingship


Tibet + Surrounding Cultural Area



A small conference hosted by the Kingship and Religion in Tibet research group, LMU München


Munich, 17–19 July 2014


Participants and paper titles (subject to change):


Megan Bryson (University of Tennessee), Bstan-po chung, Yunnan wang, Mahārāja: Narratives of Nanzhao Buddhist Kingship between Tibet and Tang


Giovanni da Col (University of Cambridge), Respondent


Brandon Dotson (LMU München), The Naming of Kings: Accession, Death, and the Afterlife through the Re-, Un-, and Nick-Naming of Tibet's Kings


Johan Elverskog (Southern Methodist University), Sino-Mongol-Tibetan Kingship in the Ming Borderlands


Kalsang Norbu Gurung (Universität Bonn), A Restricted and Secret Ritual of Tibet and its Connection with the Great Fifth Dalai Lama


Christian Jahoda and Christiane Kalantari (Universität Wien), Kingship in Western Tibet in the 10th and 11th Centuries


Leonard van der Kuijp (Harvard University), Karma pa VIII Mi bskyod rdo rje's Advice to the Phag mo gru Ruler


Marie Lecomte-Tilouine (CNRS), The Fictional King? An Exploration in the Constellation of the Himalayan Kingdoms


Pierre Marsone (EPHE), The Sovereign in the Khitan Empire (Liao dynasty, 907-1125)


David Pritzker (University of Oxford), Early Historiography of Gu ge and its Relationship with Orality, Kingship, and Tibetan Identity


Peter Schwieger (Universität Bonn), Respondent

You can download the latest programme for the conference here.